Our national brands
Selex operates across all Italy through national brands (Famila supermarkets, superstores and mini-hypermarkets; A&O convenience supermarkets; C+C Cash & Carry; and Animali che Passione pet stores), and through regional brands that express their local areas and in many cases are local leaders. In the e-commerce channel, Selex operates through its “CosìComodo” platform, bringing the convenience of online shopping to customers. To date, ten of the Group’s brands use the platform to offer click & collect and home shopping delivery services.
Partner Companies
The 18 Partner Companies that make up the Selex Group have built up enormous expertise across a range of retail formats. They are unstinting in their efforts to keep their distribution formats constantly aligned not only to the peculiar characteristics of the local areas in which they trade, but also to the patterns of customer demand and new models of consumption.
Find out where they areVital Statistics
1100retail outlets
more than0Kemployees
0new store openings in 2025
0store refurbishments in 2025

EMD: European Marketing Distribuon
Internationally, Centrale ESD Italia strikes deals through its membership of EMD (European Marketing Distribution), one of Europe’s largest alliances of independent marketing companies with thirty years’ experience.

ESD Italia
To conduct its commercial dealings with major national and international brand industries, Selex operates through the Purchasing Centre of ESD Italia, a centralized purchasing and marketing alliance of four of the country’s leading supermarket and retail chains that has been operating for more than 20 years.